PhD Student
Marcela studies the fate and transport of microplastics from land applied biosolids into wetlands, supported by ASTM, SWS, and CUAHSI Student Research Grants. She graduated with a B.S.Eng in Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University, where she conducted research in the field of nanotechnology and transitioned to researching how to use geospatial analysis to track microplastics. Beyond research, she is interested in sustainability, environmental law, and conservation efforts throughout the Gulf Coast to protect the environment. She recently completed an internship in Argentina with Honeywell working on a Compliance Management Manual for Upstream and Downstream Operations at PAE Refineries. At the University of Houston, she is currently the Vice President of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in STEM (SACNAS-UH) and in her spare time she loves to travel, go hiking, dance, ice skate, and read books.